Migrating Data Folder Across Servers

Creation date: 05/06/2023 15:06    Updated: 13/11/2024 12:57   between servers data data directory data folder directory folder migrate migrating migration

First install Replicate on the new server.

Assuming both servers are members of the same domain, please make sure you can open the Replicate console with a domain user, otherwise in:

Server->User Permissions

Please add a domain user, grant it “Admin” access level, and save the new settings.

Please reopen the console and make sure you can access the console with the credentials of the domain user. You will need this admin user account to access the console on the new server. This step is important as you may not be able to access the console if done incorrectly. 

To login with a different user account, append "/login" to the URL. For example "https://server_name/attunityreplicate/login". 

Please refer to the link below: https://help.qlik.com/en-US/replicate/November2022/Content/Global_Common/Content/SharedEMReplicate/Server%20Settings/manage_user_permissions.htm

Next,  we need to set the server repository master key password on the source server,

Open the “Attunity Replicate Command line” as Administrator.

Next input the command 


Where YOUR_DATA_DIRECTORY_PATH is the full path to the data folder.

Next, Run the following command to set the Replicate server key:

setmasterkey master_key_scope=1 master_key=Server_Master_key

Server_Master_key should be replaced with a key of your choosing.

Then type quit and press enter to go back to the main command line

Next run this command to generate a password.

RepUiCtl.exe utils genpassword

Note: you must save this password in a safe place for future use

Next, set the above password using the following command:

RepUiCtl.exe -d "data directory location" masterukey set -p GENERATED_PASSWORD

GENERATED_PASSWORD should be replaced by the actual password

The master user password has been changed. The change will only take effect after the service is restarted.

Next restart both the Replicate Server and Replicate UI Service in services

Next, Open the console. Since the Master key password has been changed, you’ll need to re-enter the password for each endpoint. Please do that and make sure you can test the connection successfully for each endpoint. Resume your tasks and confirm that they work.

Next, On the target machine(new server), please stop both Replicate services, and rename the Data directory to something else.

 I renamed it to data_original.

Copy the data folder from the source machine to the target machine.

Then in the new “data” folder that you just copied in, delete file:


This file refers to the source machine name and is not valid on the target machine, starting the services on the target machine will create the file from scratch, matching localhost.

Next, On the target machine run the same password set command for the UI:

RepUiCtl.exe -d "data directory location" masterukey set -p GENERATED_PASSWORD

data directory location is the new data folder imported from the source machine.

This is the same command and same password used on the old server in the earlier steps.

Start both Replicate services, Qlik Replicate Server and Qlik Replicate UI Server.

Open the console, and make sure tasks can be resumed properly.

If you can't access the console, try launch the console on an incognito browser, enter the login details and add the Administrator account of the new server to Replicate.

Source: https://community.qlik.com/t5/Official-Support-Articles/How-to-Move-the-Data-Directory-to-a-Different-Replicate-Server/ta-p/1962033