Using Passthru filters in Qlik Replicate

Creation date: 01/08/2022 17:05    Updated: 01/08/2022 17:09   filter
In order to apply a filter directly on a source table, a Passthru filter needs to be used. To do so, 'CTRL' click on the table settings for the table on which the filter is to be applied on. The table settings window will open, and under the Filter section, there should now be a new field titled 'Fullload Passthru Filter' in which a filter can be entered. Note: The filter syntax must match the syntax of the source database.

If the following error appears after saving the filter and running the task: "Table 'x' cannot be reloaded because a passthrough filter is defined for it.....", then you will need to add the following line into  <Replicate Installation Directory>\Attunity\Replicate\bin\repctl.cfg
"enable_passthrough_filter": true
